May 20, 2017 PENIT

Exclusive: Read on the 9 Things to Research Before Starting a Business

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Starting a business requires having a thorough plan in place, a process that takes a lot of time and research. But before you start your business, there are a number of questions and considerations you need to address. These are more than just passing thoughts, as they require lots of attention before you can even think about opening your doors. Here are nine aspects, along with a few resources, that you need to research before starting your business.

1. Select Your Type of Business, and Consider Its Effects on Your Taxes and Liability

2. Ask Yourself “Who Is My Competition?”

3. Understand Your Target Audience

4. Choose Your Company’s Name

5. Brand Your New Business

6. Develop Your Overall Web Presence

7. Prepare a Business Plan

8. Find Sources of Funding

9. Licensing and Legal Documentation


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